Beloved GRF Horse Gallops into the Sunset

It is with great sadness that Equestrian Center Supervisor Laura Cobarruviaz shares the passing of beloved GRF school horse, Jeff. 

“He was a legend here and deeply loved by the herd, our staff and the entire community at the Equestrian Center,” Cobarruviaz said. “He served us in our lesson program for many, many years and was the first horse that so many of our students ever sat on. He was large and kind, and a horse you could always count on to keep his riders safe.

“He was sound and beautiful at an admirable 32 years old, an age many horses will never be lucky enough to reach. His loss was totally unexpected. He had a lovely morning, playing with his best friend Mikey and the other horses in the large arena. He spent the rest of his day turned out in the sunshine and then came in and ate his lunch. Very suddenly, an unknown major medical event occurred. He was down and unable to rise. Our veterinarian was already on-site to tend to other horses, and she and the rest of us tried everything we could, but he was not able to try to stand anymore. We then let him go.

“Our hearts are very heavy. We lost the king of our herd.”

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