Update: Silverado Canyon's Bond Fire

The region's current Santa Ana wind event is behind the spread of the 3,600-acre Bond Fire, which started in Silverado Canyon east of Irvine late last night and forced evacuations early today in Foothill Ranch, the Portola Hills area west of El Toro Road and north of the 241 Freeway, and Silverado, Williams and Modjeska canyons.

Fire Notification/Alert Resources

Currently, the Village is in no danger due to the Bond Fire. Village Management Services continually monitors municipal and government information sources, but you can remain informed from the following trusted sources: 

  • Enroll in Alert OC to receive updates and notifications.
  • Visit the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) at ocfa.org for updates regarding wildfires. 
  • Check the OCFA Twitter page, @OCFA_PIO (https://twitter.com/OCFA_PIO), which is updated regularly to report acreage burned, percent contaminated and evacuations.
  • Visit the Orange County Sheriff’s Department website, which includes evacuations resources for all Orange County municipalities.

CodeRED Resident Emergency Notification System

Village Management Services communicates potential danger to residents via our CodeRED emergency notification system. In the event of an emergency or the need to broadcast critical time-sensitive news, CodeRED transmits brief, urgent messages to Village residents as quickly as possible via a phone call, a text message or an email.

If you are not enrolled in CodeRED, simply visit lagunawoodsvillage.com, click the black and red CodeRED icon at the top left-hand corner and fill out the form.

Air Quality Resources


Unless otherwise stated, all meetings, events and amenities are for the use of Laguna Woods Village residents and their authorized guests only.