Need Resident Services?

When to call—and when to call another VMS department or division

Comprehensive Virtual Recreation Resources Online

Comprehensive virtual recreation resources are online at the Laguna Woods Village website.

Watch, Participate in Board, Committee Meetings Online

How to view and comment on virtual committee meetings during the stay-at-home order

Recreation Announces Outdoor Fitness Classes

Residents can register for outdoor tai chi dance, yoga, cycling and more!

Download PDF
Check Air Quality With AQMD

Find real-time information, maps and health alerts before going outdoors.

Coin Program Availability Change

Residents still can purchase $10 rolls of quarters for laundry services.

Updated DwellingLive Mobile App

Easily recognize guest type and manage guest list.

VMS CEO Jeff Parker Addresses Village Amenities

VMS CEO Jeff Parker addresses Village amenities during the pandemic with a personal letter.