Village Face Covering Requirement
The mutuals' decision to require face coverings in public areas was based on the need to help facilitate the health and safety of all those in the Village. In response to some inquiries as to why face coverings are required while walking on sidewalks it is important to note that sidewalks throughout the Village are not 6 feet wide. Therefore, it is virtually impossible for individuals to socially distance while using the sidewalk without forcing at least one and maybe more persons to walk in the street, which creates its own danger.
Security personnel are aware of this fact and of the applicable exceptions pursuant to state law that would exempt the wearing of face coverings in public. Therefore, a reasonable approach to enforcement will be taken by Security personnel before the issuance of violation notices for noncompliance.
It is also important to note that any notices of violation will be subject to the same due process of the mutuals' governing documents. We appreciate your support and assistance in keeping our community safe for everyone.
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