Village Slope Maintenance Is Underway
The Third Mutual Board of Directors has awarded a contract to Mission Landscape Inc. to begin renovating and maintaining the large slopes in Third Mutual. The work, which will continue through the end of the year and encompasses 74 acres of slopes, includes removing all weeds, replanting of bare areas, trimming all shrubs to two feet in height, trimming all groundcover to one foot and raising all tree skirts six feet.
In mid-July, Third began removing brush outside the perimeter wall in Orange County Parks Wilderness area. This work will consist of removing non-native trees within 30 feet of the wall and removal of all non-native and dead brush within 30 feet of the wall.
Both United and Third Mutuals have awarded contracts to Andre Landscape Inc. to repair slopes damaged by the recent heavy rainfall. The location in Third is adjacent to 3359 Monte Hermosa; the United location is adjacent to 386 Avenida Castilla. The work will include removing excess soil and brush, placing and compacting soil to restore the slope and replanting.
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